Refugee Children and Youth Backgrounders
The International Rescue Committee has developed Refugee Children and Youth Backgrounders with information about refugees in the U.S., background information students’ home countries , tips for engaging refugee youth and parents, and web resources concerning education, language, and culture.
Centre for Intercultural Learning
The Centre for Intercultural Learning sponsored by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada provides a searchable database with information about the history, geography, and poliltics of various countries. It includes “country insights” with intercultural information and additional links. *This site uses the terms “local” to mean the culture other than “Canadian” when comparing.
The US Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs publishes Background Notes with facts about the land, people, history, political conditions and economy of various countries.
Cultural Orientation Resource Center
The Cultural Orientation Resource Center is a centralized service that provides training and resources for service providers working in refugee resettlement. The COR Center develops and hosts numerous resources designed to inform community members and service providers about a variety of refugee populations. The development of these resources is based upon input from refugees themselves, scholars, and service providers. Although these are American publications and some of the content refers to resettlement in the U.S. the information is excellent and relevant to the Canadian experience.
Cultural Orientation resources are arranged by refugee population. Videos are posted here, showing refugees from particular ethnic or age groups speaking about their own experiences with resettlement. Other resources include cultural backgrounders, case studies, and other materials. These materials date from 2000-2015.