
Numeracy Learning Indicators

Students will demonstrate understanding of the beginning concepts of the mathematical strands: Number awareness, Statistics and Probability, Patterns and Relations, and Shape and Space.Numeracy

For specific learning indicators see:

The Learning Indicators for Numeracy are taken directly from the Alberta Mathematics Program of Study (2007).  The identified outcomes are from the Kindergarten to grade 5 curriculum.  They are grouped according to strand, and progress from simple (Kindergarten outcomes) to more complex (grade 5 outcomes). They target essential understandings and are based on research suggesting a developmentally appropriate sequence of conceptual learning.

These outcomes have been selected because of the compatibility with what is taking place in mainstream classrooms. This enables learners to access curriculum through modified and differentiated instruction and helps to target specific interventions.

See: Reforming Mathematics Instruction for ESL Literacy Students
Number Sense: Rethinking Arithmetic Instruction for Students with Mathematical Disabilities

Math Should be Fun

This also enables learners in sheltered settings to transition more easily into mainstream math classes. Students transitioning into mathematics courses at the secondary level need at least grade five mathematics skills to enter even the lowest streamed math courses (e.g. 10-3).

The outcomes could be taught strand by strand but would be more effectively taught if grouped with others of similar difficulty around a theme that also incorporates language learning goals. The teaching approach should incorporate explicit teaching of mathematics vocabulary, and the use of real-life objects (manipulatives) and real-life problem-solving situations (money, time, measurement, etc.)

“Now I understand that I have to teach language first, if I want to be sure my students understand the math.”                   Fairfax teacher

For recommended resources to support numeracy development, go to
Links: Numeracy Resources in the Toolkit.